Monday, August 1, 2011

It Just Keep Calling Me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hello Hello!!!

I don't know about anyone else BUT there are some products I am just obsessed a small amount of products! Like I am addicted!!!! Yes I Natasha am addicted to certain products!!!! Just a few!!!! Such as:

  • Aubrey Organics Honeysuckle Rose
  • Oyin Juices and Berries
  • Raw Unrefined Shea Butter
  • Olive Oil
  • Aloe Vera juice
  • Shea Moisture Curl Milk
  • Cantu Leave In Conditioner
These are my staple products and as others call it they are my HG products!!!! I know for a FACT these work for my hair!!! They arent expensive either! (Thats the best part!!!)


The New Do'

Ok here is a hairstyle that is super easy and people seem to love it!

*I twist my hair in about 10 or 15 medium sized twists all around but leaving out a 4x5 inch square of hair on the top towards the front (sorry i dont have a pick of that) In that box I twisted the hair in smaller twistsabout 15 of them. I left my twists in for 2 days.

* I then spray them with Oyin Juices and Berries before untwisting them.

*I started untwisting but leaving the square twisted.

* I smoothed some raw shea butter on my sides and the back to get the hair smooth without using a brush. (learned that from Curly Nikki)

* I personally use a clother rubber head band and cut it...thats how I do my puffs also. I just tie it in a know and slide it back until i get my puff the right size and then I finish tying it off.

* Usually I would tie a satin scarf around it to get it super smooth bc I have NO idea where mines is but if you have one I would recommend using one.

* Then I just simply untwist the front and fluff.

It seems like alot but I am just trying to make sure I include everything I did...but I have pics!!! Yay!!!
You could probably get what I am saying better with the pictures....

Let Me Tell You What Happened!!!

OK tell me why i was being super fast and ran to the closest CVS to buy the Organix products...Ok so picture me in a rush looking for the Moroccan Argan Oil Renewing Treatment and the curl definer and some other product that I forget the name BUT I grab the Moroccan Argan Oil Renewing Treatment and they did not have the curl definer so I seen they had Herbal Essence on sale so I got side tracked and got that but then I grabbed some Greentea Mint Conditioner and ran out.


So I jump in the shower and decided to wash my hair is sections and twist it in the shower leaving the deep conditioner in my hair overnight. I go to squeeze out the Greentea Mint out and I slap it in and BEHOLD I picked up the shampoo instead!!! I freaked out! I almost threw it out the shower! Now if you know me you know I really dont like shampoo other than my Netrogena Clarifying Shampoo so I was freaking out like "Will it dry my hair out?" "Is it suppose to feel like that?" "Oh lawd is it suppose to tingle?!?" Yes I was flipping! So I extra conditioned it and prayed it would not be extra drier than it already was! So I finger combed the conditioner through and twisted it about 20 twists in total.

So I left the renewal treatment in my hair overnight with my hair in twists and then rinsed it out in the morning but left the twists in and then retwist them using Shea Moisture Curl Smoothie mixed with Castor Oil and left them in for 2 days. I will post pictures as soon as I get to mu computer!

BTW I returned the Greentea Mint Shampoo and got the Smoothing Shea Butter Conditioner and lets see how this works out for me!