Friday, March 4, 2011

Have VS Have Not's

First off I would like to say CONGRADS to my Co-Blogger Toi on making it one year!!!! Hooray for her! She actually was the one who got me started on the RIGHT path to natural so I owe my curls to her!!!! KISSSSSES!!!! lol OK now back to the actual post...

Now you may wonder what do I mean Have VS Have nots? Well the "Haves" would be the people WITH relaxers and the "HAVE NOTS" would be all of us lovely ladies. Now don't get me wrong...I have had a relaxer for majority of my life so I do not knock anyone with a relaxer more power to you! Once I tell you my story you will better understand where I am coming from...

Most people know me for having super straight, colored, or some kind of edgy hair style AND once I decided to start my transition I wore weave for months and months and that seemed to be more excepted than when I actually did my BC and went 100% natural. Long story short for some reason I have been getting negative comments from people that I have known for awhile but they chose to get a relaxer. Once again I say I do not knock anyone that gets a relaxer but it just isn't for ME.

I have been getting comments such as "Oh don't you want to get a relaxer and have silky hair and not them naps?" "You don't know what you are missing without a relaxer!" "Can you even comb your hair?" Now I did manage to SOMEWHAT keep my cool but it made me pose the question "What do you have against natural hair or hair different from yours?" I mean how is MY hair hurting or effecting anyone else daily life to where they just HAVE to make a negative comment? I have received many of positive comments from men, other naturals and people of other races but it just puzzles me that other people of the African American race can be so negative and down grading to anyone embracing the hair that grows out of their scalp?

Is their an unspoken fued between Naturals and Relaxed that I didnt know about???

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