Hello All! I just had to write this because I see so many people that rather have long hair instead of healthy hair. I understand in the eyes of many length is the epitome of beauty…not in my eyes but in the eyes of many. I have spoken to several women who have thinning hair and inches and inches of split ends but REFUSE to cut their hair to a healthier length. If I can see the damage then why can’t YOU? Are you too blinded by the fact that you have a little bit of length? OK people I understand you want the your hair flowing in the wind and you want to look like a movie star but……let’s take a closer look at your actual hair strands. If your ends are really frayed and uneven and super thin…your best bet might be to clip them. Now if you really really are against cutting your hair ok fine but AT LEAST take care of the obviously problem! A deep conditioning would not kill you. Take time out of your life to really take care of your hair. Care for your strands and figure out exactly what your hair needs to get back healthy.
Ok now you know I am all for the natural hair “movement” (as people like to call it) and I would encourage anyone to go natural and I would help them every step of the way BUT once again we need to focus on the HEALTH of the hair. If you notice your hair is super dry, thin, it curls and then is straight and it is shedding a lot….you REALLY need to think about health. I get a lot of people telling me they rather have hair like mines BUT they fail to know what all I do to my hair to promote health. I put hours into my hair and I spend money to find products that work for MY hair. I am willingly to set aside the time and effort to assure my hair remains healthy and I listen to my hair. Over the past few months I have learned to not fight with my hair but to work with it. I am in LOVE with my hair so I can appreciate its beauty. Ahhh my love affair with my hair lol
I don’t try to force everyone in the world to go natural BUT a lot of people can benefit from listening to their hair but hey I am a lover of the natural!!! =0) I just feel like overall we should care about the health instead of NOT wanting to cut it due to length-phobia and not wanting to put the time in and caring about what other people hair looks like. We cannot continue comparing our curls to others! I had to stop doing it myself because I am TOO in love with Curly Nikki’s hair *fans self* it is BEAUTIFUL! Forget my hair we all need to look at hers! Lol Just Playing…kinda…sorta…ok naw I am lol But then again she has AMAZING hair because she takes the time to give her hair EXACTLY what it needs when it needs it! EDUCATION PEOPLE!!!! Learn and EDUCATE!!!! I google daily and I am on blogs DAILY!!!! I like learning new tricks and methods that will improve my hair care regime. I am open to ideas so HOLLA AT ME!!!!
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