After I got home from work i was SOOOOOOOOO ready to get my hair clean and deep conditioned. I was just ready try a braid out on a fresh clean head. Oh btw I am IN LOVE with braid outs verses twist outs....they both have their pros and cons though...
BUT I will blog about that later no need to rush to that though lol but anywho so I prepared my hair for washing with a Pre Poo! Yes..I Pre Poo'ed!!! I haven't pre poo'ed in like forever. I started out swearing by it but I slacked off and then completely stopped. I mixed some Organix Coconut Milk conditioner and Organix Shea Butter conditioner along with water, shea butter, mango butter and extra virgin olive oil, sectioned off my hair and like it sit in my hair for...ugh......3 hours due to falling asleep lol
Well as I was about to get in the shower I went and looked for my conditioner and deep conditioner. In my mind I thought I had half a bottle of Yes to Carrots and half a jar of Raw Shea Moisture Mask BUT yet they were no need to be found! I looked for like 30mins and found NONE and NOTHING so I had to improvise...nothing to deep condition so I skipped that step completely but I needed a conditioner so I found some Suave Tropical Coconut conditioner so I added olive oil to it and found a corner of Herbal Essence HH so i took both to the shower along with my detangling comb.
When I woke up my hair was still wet so when I unbraided it my hair was still wet so I whipped out the blow dryer, grabbed just sections of hair and dried it just a little and I love the results and so did everyone I met today!!!
LOVED LOVED LOVED the results...i thought the worse when I did not have any Deep Conditioner...but alas I finished pretty good! lol
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